Thursday, Jan 4

Uktar 1, 5pm


Uktar 1

Thursday, Dec 29


(Rest and resanctify)

Uktar 1, 8AM

As the party starts to settle in for a rest, they hear footsteps approaching.  Torak, bedraggled and bloodied, approaches the camp.  Honeysuckle greets and admonishes him for not being there to face the Hag and Hut.  Before sleeping, the party divies up the loot.  Notable is the green gem.  After trying to identify it, all that can be determined is that if implanted in the ground, crops will grow at a faster rate and in less than otherwise conditions, even lacking sunlight or sufficient precipitation.

Also, the exact properties of the five potions in teeth-vials cannot exactly be determined.

As the party awakes, the ghost Burgomaster, Ulrich, greets them and states, "You offered to help me.  And while you were resting, it occurred to me that if you could bless or sanctify the statue of Marina, created by Strahd after he cursed our land, then my soul may not be cursed to haunt this area."  The party agrees and  are led to a weather worn statue bearing a striking resemblance to Ireena.  An epitaph reads, Marina, Taken by the Mists.  Alex, Torak and Brand pray and gesticulate to their higher powers and remove the desecration.  Ulrich begins to fade and calls to the group, "Thank you, I can go home!  Please rid this land of the devil!"  As this happens, seven bloated figures rise from the water and begin shambling toward the group.  Neumann acts first and fries all seven with a fireball.  The corpses fall, but as they fall swarms of poisonous snakes are disgorged from their bellies and being squirming toward the group.  Great swordplay and spirit guardians demolish the swarms.  

5pm Uktar 1

Thursday, Nov 9&30

the tree of death

(nobody outcreepies the hut)

Uktar 1, 7am

The the animated, hut-bearing tree hits Torak with a glancing blow.  Honeysuckle is not so lucky, taking a blow that would have killed lesser warriors.  Torak turns and heals Honeysuckle, then positions himself so that his spiritual guardians affect the hag.  Kelvyn attacks the Hag with bow shots.  Honeysuckle hits the Hag with a Firebolt.  The Hag has taken an inhuman amount of damage!  She shoots an black ray of necrotic energy from her finger at Neumann, dropping him to the ground.  He still body is an ashen gray.  (Avoiding death only by the buffer provided by the Moon Maiden's Twilight Sanctuary.   Daeren gathers some flammable materials and ignites them with Blade of Nessus.  Alex revives Neumann, then casts sacred flame on the Hag.  It has not effect.  Brand cannot shrug off the effects of the spell cast upon him by the Hag and remains immobile.  Neumann, just getting to his feet, hurls another mote of forge-hot fire at the Hag.  Again, her uncanny toughness allows her to continue battling.  The Hut, fully upraised on it's roots, attacks Neumann, driving him into the earth - motionless and mangled.  Another root hits Torak, but doesn't knock him down.  It does however, cause Torak to change - his neck arches back and he kneels to the ground like an animal.  With it's third attack, the Hut pummels Honeysuckle with a massive blow- driving her limp form into the mire with a splash.  Torak releases a feral howl and begins to take the frightening form of a werewolf!  Kelvyn fires more of his precious few arrows at the Hag.  Honeysuckle, facedown in the mire and muck feels cold fingers from the mist of Barovia pulling her to join them.  Heeding their creator's call, two animated scarecrows rush in to join the fray.  Baba Lysaga cackles and calls out in glee to the werewolf, "delightful - join me and my creatures in invoking the darkness of Barovia!"  She breaks off the end of another finger, jams it into her eye socket, pulls it back out and flings it toward Alex and Kelvyn.  Where it lands, a field of black, squirming tentacles sprout up from the stinking earth.  They avoid their grasp, but moving through them may prove difficult.  Finally, she screeches into the night - a sound the seems like a summons.  Meanwhile, inside the Hut, Daeren tries to stoke the fire he has started, breaking apart the wicker wardrobe, then picks up the baby.  Alex moves out of the area covered by the tentacles and casts healing word on the fallen halfling and casts sacred flame at the Hag.  But it has no effect.    Brand, dreaming of continued adventures with Kelvyn, shrugs off the effects of the spell.  He eyes the Hag, dissaparates and reappears next to the Hag.  The Hag greets him with demure sideways look, lips pursed and glistening with something moist.  The Paladin releases a flurry of attacks, cutting the witch up.  Neumann feels some of his essence being pulled into the mist... in the distance he sees his children turn to him.  The Hut lashes out and misses both Kelvyn and Honeysuckle, but smashes Alex.  Torak, or the werewolf he has become, decapitates a scarecrow, then bounds off into the distant forest.  Kelvyn's arrows go wide of the Hag, but inspired by the cats, tosses his grappling hook onto the hut and begins to climb up.  Honeysuckle looks deep inside herself and finds a reservoir of energy(second wind), then casts firebolt on the Hag.  The firebolt clips the dragon skull, greatly damaged from the fireballs, splitting the dragon skull in half and knocking the hag from the dragon skull and to the ground where she lands motionless.  The two pieces of the dragon skull and Brand land next to her.  A scarecrow, unphased by the death of it's master, unceremoniously stands on the limp and broken body of Neumann and cast a horrific gaze on Kelyvn, paralyzing him.   Brand sees the body of the Hag turn into a greenish black oil and dissolve into the swamp.  Daeren feels that the baby he was holding has dissapeared into thin air.  He moves to the door inside the hut and reopens the door, then falls prone as the lurching Hut lists violently.  The wood of the floor where the green glow was emanating, forms into a horrific mouth and snaps into his teeth.  As the mouth opens, the green glow from beneath the floor becomes much brighter.  Grabbing a burning piece of wood, Daeren attempt to jam it into the "floor mouth", but a poof of air, almost like a breath, blows out the fire.  Alex bathes Neumann in the healing aura of the Moon Maiden, diverting his souls path from the mist back to realm of Barovia.  Brand drops a scarecrow.  Neumann rises and stumbles off and away from the Hut.  The Hut tries to grab Kelvyn, but he dodges the grasp.  Another of its limbs slams into Brand.  Kelvyn secures his grappling hook over the door of the Hut and calls out to Daeren to "get the heck out of there!"  Honeysuckle readies a firebolt for when the rogue can escape the interior of the Hut.

Daeren desperately decides that whatever is glowing beneath the floorboards of the hut may be the "heart" of the animated monstrosity and recklessly tries to strike at it.  As he strikes at it, through the mouth of floor teeth, he sees it is a gem, palm-sized and glowing green.  He takes some damage from the teeth, but manages to dislodge and grab the gem.  At that very moment, the Hut lurches to a halt and stills.  

Alex rushes to heal Brand then toward Ismark.  Brand springs back into action jumping into the burning Hut, grabbing the chest and ripping it from the floor and turning toward the door.  Neumann looks over the stain of oil on the ground that was the Hag - all that remains are her few teeth.  Her possessions consist of some baubles and her staff.  Honeysuckle heals herself and positions herself below the doorway to the Hut.  Brand lowers the chest down to Honeysuckle on a rope.

Deciding not to linger in the area of the Hut, the party moves to investigate the sound of goats off to the West.  As they approach, they see a pen with 10ft high rough timbers creating an enclosure.  Atop the posts, every ten feet, are humanoid skulls.  There is not a gate.  As they break open the fence to free the goats, the skulls emit high pitched screams that last for a minute.  The goats wander off, grateful to be free.

Moving on next to the ruins of a mansion nearby, a ghost appears,  asking, "Why do you invade my home?  Begone!  I beseech you!"  The former Burgomaster of this village, Ulrich, tells them this story:  

"The vampire Strahd first met a girl named Marina in this small village on the shore of the Luna River. Marina bore a striking resemblance to Strahd’s beloved Tatyana, both in appearance and manner, and she became Strahd’s obsession. He seduced her in the dead of night and feasted on her blood, but before she could be turned into a vampire, I, with the aid of a local priest named Brother Grigor, killed Marina to save her soul from damnation. Enraged, Strahd slew the priest and then me, then used his power over the land to swell the river, flooding the village and forcing the residents to flee. Later the marsh crept in, preventing the villagers from returning. Berez has remained mostly abandoned since."

He agrees to let them rest here, convinced they are not allies of Strahd.  He warns them to avoid the cemetary and tells them there is a monument to Marina hidden nearby.  But this also is dangerous as their are zombies near it.

As a gesture of kindness, before Alex summons the protective dome of the Moon Maiden, Neumann summons his ghost children who manage to bring a smile to Ulrich.


 sling bullets(Kelvyn)

8am Uktar 1

Thursday, july 27

Swamp thing

Uktar 1, 6am

The party pauses at the split in the road to take in the stench and site of the fetid ruins of the village of Berez.  Some party members are beginning to have hallucinations that they still have a wagon.  Some see two wagons; one teal and one maroon.  The swamp air has an odd effect on the mind.  Even Ismark's accent seems to change at times. 

The party takes the left fork of the road and moves closer to get a better look at the hut and the rest of the village environs.  As they get nearer, they can make out more details and discover a bizarre scene.  A ramshackle hut(maybe 15' square) has been built on top of a massive tree stump, the roots of which reach out on all sides up to 15' - 20' from it.  The skull, enormous, is 8' long x 4' wide and is floating about 8' off of the ground, just below and in front of the door to the hut. 

Fanning out, the party approaches the hut.  Neumann glimpses a figure moving about a stove through the doorway of the hut.  A screaching, old woman's voice can just be heard by some over the din of the caged ravens, "Oh, Oh my little Strahdy.  You're so precious", as if speaking to a baby.   Moments later, she appears and screaches, "Who do we have here?  Your blood will make a nice tonic for me."  To which Neumann taunts back, "Your sisters said the same thing before we burnt them.  You're next!"  Simultaneously, a feral wolf howl if heard just off in the distance.  The Hag moves to cast a spell.  

Daeren acts first, moving toward the hag.  Alex channels his divinity, giving vigor to his allies, and also moves closer to the hag.   Brand moves to climb up and engage the foul, green-skinned hag, leaping up and nearly slipping, but somehow buoyed by encouragement shouted at him from the nerdy Neumann(inspiration), hero lands in front of her and attacks!  His thrust opens up a wound on her neck that spurts forth a black ichor, which as it hits the ground turns into mealy worms that burrow into the floor of the shack.  He deftly attacks again and cuts into her thigh.  She wipes the blood seductively further up her exposed thigh, taunting him, saying, "Mhahahehe you're a handsome one!  Not as handsome as my Strahdy!"  Neumann casts haste on Brand and Daeren.  Honeysuckle and Alex notice one of the massive roots seemingly twitch, turning up a bit of fresh earth.  Torak casts spirit guardians but the hag shrugs off most of the effect.   Kelvyn hits with his bow shots.  Honeysuckle struggles to move in the muck w/ her spectacularly muscular, but short halfling legs.  Ismark jumps up one of the roots and moves closer to the action.

The hag spits in her hands, utters arcane words,  and claps her hands together.  When she does so arcane energy in her spittle jets into Brand's mouth and he is struck paralyzed.  She then leaps past him into the dragon skull, utters another unintelligible word and the skull flies her away from the hut.

Taking this opportunity with the occupant of the hut now away, Daeren scampers into the hut, passing the paralyzed Paladin, and has a look around.  Besides the furnishings, what catches his attention is a cradle with a raven haired child with pale white skin and pronounced canines smiling up at him.  An eerie glow is seen shining up from something in the floorboards.

Alex fires off a sacred moon flame at the dragon skull riding hag and moves off the lurching root.  

Brand looks physically the same, but is frozen in the exact position he was in at the time the hag cast her hex on him.

Neumann casts a fireball on the hag and the holy(but desecrated) skull of the hero of Barovia, Argynvostholt.  The smoke from her turns into green moths that flutter away.  The skull seems more damaged than her.

The horror deepens as the tree stump comes to life as it's large roots pull free from the ground and it rises up.  Brand falls from the doorway to the ground below, prone.  Daeren, inside the hut manages to maintain his balance.  The tree stump flings Ismark across the swamp where he lands heavily and lifelessly.  Two more of its roots are poised to attack Honeysuckle and Torak.


Everyone gained inspiration after their mild "success" at Argynvostholt

Further down the road the party also sees a goat pen in front of a dilapidated mansion.

7am Uktar 1

The Hag in the desecrated skull of Argynvostholt

approaching the ruins of berez

the hut come to life

The hag, baba lysaga

Thursday, july 20

Revenant rage

Uktar 1, 3am

Valdimir makes a strategic retreat dodging through a secret door and calling out, "To me, Godfrey, my love!  To me heroes of the Silver Dragon!"  The clerics fling radiant damage at Vlad and the phantoms.  Neumann ends Vladimir with a fireball, powered by pact magic from god knows where.  It also blows open a door in the hall where the sound of metal boots on stone and steel withdrawing from sheathes can be heard...  His body is ash, but a ghostly spirit rises and calls out, "I swear vengeance until the end of time on Brand the Bowled!  Curse you!"  Brand looks into the door and sees several Revenant's readying to charge. 

Brand speaks with the leader of the group, Sir Godfrey Gwilym, and they let them leave even though Vladimir's oath, which binds them all to Barovia, also compels them to kill anyone who seeks to end Strahd's suffering. As the party begins to leave, they hear Sir Godfrey arguing with the other Revenants against pursuing them.  The party exits the ruins.

The party believes retrieving the dragon skull from the Hag in the swamp and placing it in the crypt of Argynvostholt may put the spirit of the revenants in a final rest.

A few hour journey the party finds the ruins of the town of Berez and sees the following:

Someone has built a ramshackle wooden hut on the stump of what was once an enormous tree. The rotting roots of the stump thrust up from the mire like the legs of a gigantic spider.

An open doorway is visible on one side of the hut, beneath which floats the upside-down, hollowed-out skull of a dragon. Flanking the hut’s doorway are two iron cages that dangle like hideous ornaments from the eaves. Scores of ravens are trapped in each one. They squawk and flutter their wings.


Tarroka reading reminder:

1) This card tells of history. Knowledge of the ancient will help you better understand your enemy.

2) This card tells of a powerful force for good and protection, a holy symbol of great hope.

3) This is a card of power and strength. It tells of a weapon of vengeance: a sword of sunlight.

4) This card sheds light on one who will help you greatly in the battle against darkness.

5) Your enemy is a creature of darkness, whose powers are beyond mortality. This card will lead you to him!

The fist card drawn is the 9 of Swords, the Torturer saying that it means, "There is a town where all is not well. There you will find a house of corruption, and within, a dark room full of still ghosts"

The second card, later divined by Brand, is the Avenger, One of Swords and represents a holy symbol of great hope. The treasure lies in a dragon’s house, in hands once clean and now corrupted.

6am Uktar 1

Thursday, july 13

Argynvostholt:old things...

Uktar 1, 2am

The party finishes resting, then explores the southwest section of the third level of the mansion.  They come upon a stoic undead guardian sitting upon a throne, wielding a greatsword with a hilt sculpted to resemble silver dragon wings and a pommel shaped like a silver dragon’s head clutching a black opal between its teeth .  He disregards them until they come close when he says in a deep raspy baritone, "Go Away".  Kelyvn and Brand try to persuade him that Strahd can be defeated and the land rid of his curse, but the Revenant, Vladimir Horngaard states that he has no interest in "killing" or ridding the land of Strahd as his current state is in fact a punishment or torture for Strahd.  While he may appear to be master of this domain, he is in fact trapped here and kept from what he desires most.  He tells them to leave again and when Brand persists, Vladimir flies into a fit of rage and attacks.  

Vladimir Horngaard's Monologue

“If you have come to destroy me, know this: I perished defending this land from evil over four centuries ago, and because of my failure, I am forever doomed. If you destroy this body, my spirit will find a new corpse to inhabit, and I will hunt you down. You cannot free me from my damnation, nor would I wish it."

“If you have come to free this land from the creature that feasts on the blood of the innocent, know this: There is no monster I hate more than Strahd von Zarovich. He slew Argynvost, broke the life of the knight I loved, and destroyed the valiant order to which I devoted my life, but Strahd has already died once. He can’t be allowed to die again. Instead, he must suffer eternally in a hell of his own creation, from which he can never escape. Whatever can be done to bring him misery and unrest, I will do, but I will destroy anyone who tries to end his torment.”

The heroes appear to have the advantage, but will the undead, cursed champions of the Order of the Silver Dragon turn things around?

3am Uktar 1

Saturday, june 24

Argynvostholt (hi, count!)

Marpenoth 31 11:55pm


At the start of his watch, Alex, devotee of the moon goddess, notices that the moon(full) and sky have take on a rapidly deepening reddish hue.  Also, the moon is positioned low on the horizon in the direction of Castle Ravenloft.

Shortly before midnight, several things occur around the  same time.  Torak, who has been sleeping fitfully, calls out a bone-chilling howl that wakes most of the party.  Daeren, thinking that Torak may be a danger to himself and others binds his hands and begins to bind his feet when he awakes, soaked in sweat and looks at Daeren with surprise.  

Brand notices that the door to their room is open.  Alex realizes, as Strahd appears out of thin air, that the protective magical hut has disappeared.  He calls for Ireena to join him.  She says, "yes, master".

Strahd monologues for a disturbingly long time.

All hell breaks loose.

Neumann tries unsuccessfully to deceive Strahd into believing he has the Evil book.  Strahd grabs  the Tome of Strahd from Brand's backpack.  

Strahd monologues for an impossibly long time.

Two vampire spawn pull Ireena out a window.  A third jumps in to guard their retreat.  Brand tosses Daeren the Assassin's Dagger(a little red horned guy appears on Daeren's shoulder and pushes a little white guy off his other shoulder as he wills the dagger to ignite in infernal flames)  A werewolf has appeared where Torak was.  It tries to free itself from the ropes.   Daeren takes the tome from Strahd.  Strahd takes it back from him and crawls out a nearby window.   

Strahd monologues again!  wtf!

The third vampire spawn flees out the window.  Since everyone else is jumping out of  windows, Brand jumps out a window.  Everyone takes turns leaning out the window to take desperation pot shots at the fleeing vampires.  Strahd appears on a hellish, flaming, flying horse w/ Ireena, screaming in terror now, in his clutches.  

Strahd monologues one last time, inviting them as dinner at his castle.

Kelvyn, urged on by Brand, leaps headfirst from the window whilst knocking two arrows, spins in mid air, and pierces the flanks of a vampire spawn.  He lands awkwardly on Brand.

Then it is quiet.

Then there is a roar of rage from Ismark who raced to the rooftops only to find his sister and his enemies gone.

Ireena is taken!   The Tome of Strahd is Taken!  


Brand retrieves Ismark from the rooftop.  The two console each other for the loss of their beloved Ireena.  The party discusses possible next steps.  

"Big picture" plans(storming Strahd's castle) are put aside for now.

They decide to finish exploring this level(2) of the ruins and then head to the graveyard and crypt.  In the crypt, they find this writing: 

Here lie the bones and treasures of

Argynvost, lord of Argynvostholt and

founder of the Order of the Silver Dragon.

Finding nothing else of interest in crypt, the heroes ascend to the third floor of the mansion, finding what appears to be Argynvostholt's private study.  Exploring the room, the soft sound of flapping wings is heard and then a single piece of parchment lands at the feet of Honeysuckle.    She picks it up.  It reads,  

My knights have fallen, and this land is lost. The armies of my enemy will not be stopped by sword or spell, claw or fang. Today I will die, not avenging those who have fallen, but defending that which I love—this valley, this home, and the ideals of the Order of the Silver Dragon.

The evil surrounds me. The time has come to throw off this guise and show these heathens my true fearsome form. Let it spark terror in their hearts! Let them tell their stories of dark triumph against the protector of the Balinok Mountains! Let Argynvost be remembered as a dragon of honor and valor. My one regret is that my remains will not lie in their rightful place, in the hallowed mausoleum of Argynvostholt. No doubt my bones will be scattered among my enemies like the coins of a plundered hoard, trophies of a hard-won victory.

I do not fear death. Though my body will die, my spirit will live on. Let it serve as a beacon of light against the darkness. Let it bring hope to a land wrought with despair.

Now, to battle!

Exploring further, Honeysuckle and Kelvyn attempt to repair the slashed painting of this very mansion and the surrounding mountains during their better days.  As they do so, 

The beacon in the picture flashes with a brilliant silver light, and the spectral form of a huge silver dragon fills the room. “My skull lies in the rancid swamp home of my enemy the crone,” it says, “displayed in a place of ill omen. Return my skull to its rightful crypt, and my spirit will shine here forever, bringing hope to this dark land.” With that, the dragon’s apparition fades away. 

End Scene

Fade to black

1am Uktar 1

Thursday, june 15


Marpenoth 31 3:50pm

Party finishes off spirit guardians.  Finds four potions of invulnerability.  There is a discussion of next steps.  Some suggest investigating the graveyard and mausoleum.  Casts Leomunds Tiny Hut and begins long rest.  Alex gains the nickname "Moonpie".

Watch order:  5-7p Honeysuckle and Kelvyn, 7-9p Torak and Neumann, 9-11 Daeren and Brand, 11p-1a Alex, Ireena and Ismark.  

4:30PM Marpenoth 31

Thursday, june 1


Marpenoth 31 3:45pm

The party searches the chapel and finds nothing of interest.  Climbing a spiral staircase leads them to a balcony overlooking the chapel.  On the balcony is a grand throne.  The party search several empty rooms until they encounter a weak smoky dragon which they crush.  Brand triggers a trap that creates a wall of stone that nearly crushes Torak and separates the party.  The quick-thinking sorcerer casts a spell to shrink the wall, though, allowing the group to reunite.  Moments later both doors at the ends of the all fly open  and seven phantom warriors, able to pass through solid objects, attack.  Alex with his spirit guardians still in effect, mows down two of them.  On the other end, though, Kelvyn and Brand are taking a beating.  And as we leave our heroes, Brand is overwhelmed and falls.


3:50PM Marpenoth 31

Thursday, May 4


Marpenoth 31 3:30pm

The party enters the mansion from the spider ballroom.  They enter into a grand foyer that feels more like a king's tomb.  Shortly after entering a great shadow with wings moves across the walls and disappears. They hear a soft bestial hiss in the darkness.  Exiting the foyer through doors to the northwest, the party enters a grand dining hall.  Open doors to the west lead to a chapel, where three armored figures kneel before an altar.  Alerted to the party, they turn and draw their rusty longswords and charge.  None of the revenants appear to be the one the party met on the road near the village of Barovia.  The party is victorious.  Brand is pushed to near death, but his friends revive him.  

Alex is eager to move deeper into the mansion while his powerful Spirit Guardians spell persists.


3:40PM Marpenoth 31

Dire Wolf

Argynvostholt Exterior

Giant Spider

Thursday, april 27

The road to Argynvostholt

Marpenoth 31 9:30Am 

Two roads diverged in a woods
Finishing off the ferocious dire wolves, the party hastily retreats to the woods just off the crossroads looking over their shoulders in fear and paranoia instilled in them from this nightmare realm.  Alex casts a Sammy's Fabulous Pad, and the party finishes their long rest.Deciding to take the road to the Southeast, signs for which indicate some place called Berez, but also the most direct route to the assumed location of the former headquarters of the Order of the Silver Dragon, Argynvostholt, the party heads out as rain begins to come down.  In just a few hours, they spot the silhouette of a majestic mansion atop a rather precipitous cliff overlooking the valley they stand in.  Rather than attempting the dangerous and taxing climb in the rain, they follow the lead of the Ranger, whose excellent sense of direction finds a path around the cliff to the driveway of Argynvostholt.  Perched atop a 10x10 slab of stone is a statue of a silver dragon.  Sensing it's majesty and goodness, Paladin Brand approaches it and cleans some of the moss from it's worn stone.  Moving toward the front doors to the  mansion triggers a weak exhalation from the dragon statue.  Perhaps a depleted trap?Spotting debris on the south side of the mansion, the party opts to explore there rather than enter through front doors.  Peering into ruined wall of what appears to have been a ballroom, monstrous giant spiders appear from the ceiling and attack.  Alex, Brand and Daeren are trapped in the spider's web and things are looking bleak for our heroes, when Neumann incinerates five of the six remaining spiders with a hellish blast of demon fire shaped like a giant ball! Only one spider left.  Our heroes, buoyed by the magical prowess of their most unlikely hero(if one goes by looks), should make quick work of it.But what has been awakened inside this ancient, dead edifice by the cacophony of the moon sized blast of fire from the pasty hand of the sorcerous dabbler into dark magic?HIGHLIGHTS
3PM Marpenoth 31

Thursday, april 20

The road to... Krezk, er Argynvostholt

Marpenoth 31 8:00Am 

What does not kill you will likely try again!
The party cautiously bears West, skirting the town through the Svalich Woods.  Shortly a devil, like the flying devil accompanying Strahd at Ireena's house in Barovia, is spotted overhead.  It flies off without apparently noticing them.   Marching on, in dire need of rest, but unable to find a safe spot, the party is beset by dire wolves! be continued...HIGHLIGHTS
  • David as Torak, "That was fun!" upon waiting an hour for his turn then missing the to hit.
  • Grant, as Alex, has a much better attitude when his to hits fail.
  • Daeren is really good w/ daggers
  • Brand gets dog-piled
  • Kudo's to Neumann's attempt to command the wolves using Stradh's accent saying, "My children, the humans have suffered enough, for now. Depart!" 
  • Artist math is trash
  • Honeysuckle is a beast(slayer)!
  • Finishing a long rest can be challenging
  • Roll20 is amazing and super user friendly

9:30am Marpenoth 31

Thursday, april 6

Escape from vallaki c.

Marpenoth 31 7:30Am 

The furious combat continues.  Brand and Ismark race to protect Neumann.  Neumann shows his gratitude by releasing a spell like the sound of a bolt of lightning that impacts not only the guards around him but Brand and Ismark.  It's sound echoing across the entire town.  Daeren takes off across the yard, urging his friends to flee for their lives!  Others begin to follow as additional groups of guards converge on them.  Brand has Ismark jump on his back and runs with him like a pack mule, their two sweaty, muscly bodies becoming one, bouncing off each other in a forceful, rhythmic fashion.  Swarms of ravens, friends of Muriel(?), run interference on the new groups of guards.  Neumann summons a reserve of arcane energy from his patron and blasts the guards!Exiting the plaza, the party hustles to the north gate, easily overwhelming the guards there.  From there they flee for the cover of the nearby Svalich Woods.  They seem to have thrown off the pursuit for now.THEN...
An unearthly shriek pierces the air.  It echoes across the land like the wind that blew just a few hours ago. It is a mixture of men and women and children all muddled together.  A cacophony of pain and suffering.  Then the clouds overhead form the shape of a face, angled features and long hair.  A proud and noble but very, very angry man.  
"Three days I gave Barovia to return my Tatiana.  Three days they squandered it in fear with pleas of mercy instead of doing my bidding.  Now the village of Barovia has learned the lesson of defiance.  These are my lands.  You are nothing - vermin feeding off of my scraps, scurrying beneath my feet.  Tonight I send a plague upon these lands.  I send you annihilation upon flaming hooves.  And until my Tatiana is back.  Until every man and woman and child is brought before my gates I will not relent.  You outsiders think you can challenge me.  That an old crone's fortunes can aid you?  I have not yet begun to show my power. "
And the clouds thicken and the day darkens more than before.
Far off to the east, there is an orange red glow reflecting off the clouds above the village of Barovia.   Ismark and Ireena look despondent.  
It is a long days journey to Krezk and the the Abbot.  The party debates where and when to rest.
Neumann reveals that he has been in communication with his patron and that they are willing to protect the evil book from Strahd.  They can be found within the border mists of Barovia.  
  • Real thieves know when to skeedaddle
  • Real spellcasters laugh at collateral damage

8:00am Marpenoth 31


Thursday, march 30

Escape from vallaki

Marpenoth 31 7:00Am 

Before following Muriel out the back exit, Daeren traps the front door and jams it's lock.  Brand makes several Molotov cocktails.    They flee out the back of the Inn, heading toward the north gate.  A frantic game of cat and mouse ensues across the town.  Kelvyn stealths ahead and scouts out a route.  Torak casts silence aiding the groups stealthy escape.   Honeysuckle barges through a barrier, causing chaos and allowing an escape.  Neumann roasts a patrol of guards with a fireball and catches the town on fire.  Nearing their destination, they must cross a broad intersection in town.  Several groups of guards, human and clockwork, are passing and going from building to building, apparently looking for the heroes.  Half of the group proceeds stealthily while the other half takes to the rooftops.  Alex and Honeysuckle trip each other making their way across the roof and both nearly fall off.  The noise draws the attention of the nearest clockwork guard.  He moves toward the heroes to investigate but then gives up and returns to his patrol.  

Thursday, march 30

Escape from vallaki c...

The roof crew is moving along, jumping from rooftop to rooftop, when Torak misstimes his jump and falls to the ground with a loud thump.  Once again the guards are alerted and turn toward where the noise came from.  Neumann, thinking quickly, casts a minor illusion to create a sound to hopefully distract  the attention of the guards.  It works to the extent that some of the guards follow the noise, but others continue toward where Torak fell.  They call out, "you!  Reveal yourself! Do you hear me?  Come out."  When no one responds, the leader calls out, "I'll knock some words out of you!" and orders his men to draw their weapons and attack, whilst raising an alarm of loud whistles and hoots.Daeren and Neumann are trapped in nets that fire from two of the clockwork guards chests orifices.  Later Neumann takes out three of the human guards with a fireball and badly injures a clockwork guard.  He also catches the gallows on fire.  Daeren frees himself from his net and cuts a bit of Neumann's net.The weather is beginning to turn:  clouds thickening and darkening and the wind is picking up.
  • Fireball, cats, 

7:30am Marpenoth 31

The heroes battle human and clockwork guards whilst attempting to escape Vallaki!

Marpenoth 30 10:45pm BACK TO THE BLUE WATER INN

The party discuss next steps.  They decide to go back to the Blue Water Inn, where Father Lucian and the Bones of St. Andral reside, and rest, followed by the animated skeletal cats.  Avoiding unwanted attention from a passing patrol of clockwork guards(4) and two  human guards, they make it back to the inn to find the common room empty.  Shortly the bones of St. Andral come in from a back room followed by a sleepy looking Father Lucian.  They party tells Father Lucian about their adventures in the dead Burgomaster's mansion.  They tell him they were able to defeat two vampire spawn.  Father Lucian says that that is a good blow against Fiona, because working with Strahd, he had given her two vampire spawn to help her.  He also relays that she is also a powerful priest who also has around 40 clockwork guards and 40 human guards as well as 50 cultists who are fully loyal to her.  Additionally, one or more devils are under her control.  Plus her resurrected "husband" with a devil arm.  When Brand shows Father Lucian the book he immediately recoils and instinctively puts his hand to his holy symbol.  The bones of St. Andral stand erect, drop the glasses of wine he's holding, and draw their greatsword.  Father Lucian says, "what foul evil is this from the hells themselves?  I hope you did not try to comprehend or read this.  It taints my soul just being in it's presence.  This appears to be written by the very hand of the lord of all Devils, Asomodeus!"  Examining it he says it appears to be a book of most foul ceremonies and rituals:  human sacrifice, devil summoning, and a machine or process for capturing the souls of an entire world.  This must be what the vampire spawn were looking for at the mansion.  It must be kept from Fiona.  Brand suggests destroying it and Father Lucian replies that he does not have the means.  One who may have the ability is the Abbott in Krezk.  At the very least, he may be able to guard it.  He suggests that this may be an indication that Strahd is trying to find a way to be free of Barovia - which could mean that he is unleashed on other worlds.  Determined to destroy the book, Brand takes it and clears out a table in the middle of the room, but Father Lucian says this may not be wise. So Brand desists, but does not want to let  anyone else carry it.Father Lucian also tells of Argynvostholt and the order of the Silver Dragon, great enemies of Strahd.  They were defeated and rumor has it that the dragon's bones were taken to Castle Ravenloft.  The castle(of Argynvostholt)  is believed to be haunted now.Brand also asks Father Lucian to inspect the assassin's dagger and both he and the Bones of St. Andral have intense fearful, averse reactions to it,  the bones saying, "Unholy, Evil! and Father Lucian saying"we are indeed in trouble!".  Father Lucian says it is a weapon most dire and evil, apparently forged in the hells themselves.  When learning that it was used by a servant of Strahd he nods his head and affirms his thought that Strahd and his minions have made a pact w a devil.  "This is not a weapon that good warrior would want to wield."  (Daeren's ears perk up..., "I've got good news").  After examing the blade for a few minutes, Father Lucian states that the blade was forged in Nessus(retcon not Inverness) itself.  Forged with a purpose.  The weapon has the power to be wreathed in flames.  With my magic, I have been able to discern that there are names inscribed upon it.  Five names.  One is crossed off.  That name is Madam Eva.  When one of these individuals are struck by this weapon, their soul is instantly drawn from them into the blade.  The remaining names are Rictavio, the Abbot, Mordenkainen, and Emil Toranescu.  He says that he know of Rictavio, a bard who was staying in the Blue Water Inn, but dissappeared when Fiona Wachter killed the former Burgomaster.  The Abbot is a holy man living in the Abbey of St. Markovia(Martyr/Priest of Morninglord) overlooking the town of Krezk.  He does not know the name Mordenkainen.  He thinks he has heard that Emil Toranescu may be a were creature who rebelled against, and is now imprisoned by Strahd.The party decides the best course of action may be to go visit the Abbot in Krezk.Everyone rests.  The rest is interrupted one hour short and those on watch hear noises outside.  Looking outside there are 20 clockwork guards and 10 human guards and a handful of cultists.  Kelvyn, woken from his rest upstairs, hears a noise - a tapping on the window and then a raven's "caw".  Drawing back the curtain, he sees a Raven - the same one he spoke with before?  Muriel Vinshaw(see handout).  He opens the window and the raven flies in and then transforms into a human woman!"You are in mortal danger!  Fiona is gathering her minions to storm the Inn.  You must flee.  I can help you.  Gather your comrades!"  Kelvyn calls to his companions.
  • Lore learned from Father Lucian
    • The dagger is bad(but powerful... and in capable hands may be just the weapon needed to tip the scales in the party's favor...)
      • Since Madam Eva was killed with the dagger is her soul trapped within?
    • The book is REALLY bad
    • The Abbott in Krezk may be able to help
    • Argynvostholt location and lore
  • Does anyone want to name the cats.....(please please please)

7:00am Marpenoth 31

Marpenoth 30 9:45pm The Burgomaster’s Mansion

Garterrobe, n (toilet chute) on a norman castle 

The party explore the rest of the main level.  A broken mirro  Alex finds a tome that radiates magic in the dead Burogmaster's library.  Neumann pulls the ancient, heavy book from the bookshelf.  The cover is plain but for some faint script in an indecipherable language.  It has a metal clasp/closure.

The party find a trapdoor in the ceiling of the Master Bedroom.  It leads to a large attic full of forgotten things covered in white sheets.  A well worn footpath leads through the maze.  

At the far end of the attic is a room with scorched door that has skeletal cats roaming about.  Someone has created a Study up here.  Facing northeast corner are three cutout children.  There is a intricately drawn drawn magic looking glyph or sigil on the floor.  It emanates magic as does a leatherbound book on the desk.  As someone reaches for the book, an unpleasant voice from thin air shouts, "Don't touch that!  Don't touch my things!"  He warns Brand that he will blow his hand off if he touches it.  "Who are you?  Are you Fiona's lackeys come to loot?"  Neumann asks if the voice is the son of the dead burgomaster and that if he shows himself he will give him a gift.  Asking again if they are working with "that bitch Fiona" Victor then informs them that he is stuck in the ethereal plane after his attempt at  creating a teleportation circle went awry.  He asks them for help completing the circle.  The party are unable to comprehend the spell, as it is of the 5th Tier of Magic.  The conversation devolves as the voice, Victor Vallakovich, continues to offer insults and threats.  Supposedly a powerful wizard lives hidden north of Lake Zarovich near Vallaki.  In desperation, Neumann attempts to meditate and commune with any available magical powers to try to comprehend the spell.  While meditating, his hand goes to the toy ball and he sees his boy, Freek, in the mists of Barovia, Freek sees him, turns and tries to reach him but cannot.   It's as if Freek is trying to connect Neumann to shadowy figures in the mists.  Neumann is unable to offer any aid to understanding this spell.  

When asked if Victor knows what the vampire spawn were looking for in the mansion, Victor states they may have been looking for a tome to assist Fiona and the devils she is working with.  

Alex's detect magic does not indicate an invisible create or otherwise aid in locating Victor.

Victor is very protective of his creepy school children dolls.  Alex takes the children out of "timeout", facing them into the room.

Honeysuckle takes the spell book(see handouts) and leaves with the rest of the party as Victor unleashes insults, threats and curses at them.  "You thief!  You little... half person!  Bring it back or I will pull your fingernails out and feed them to you!"

Daeren is summoned to the attic to help pick the lock on a chest, although he is offended at being referred to as a rogue.  He first feeds the cats the zombie leg he's been carrying around.  He opens the chest and it is full of junk, but also some coins and gems.  Emptying it and searching, he and Neumann find 25gp and three gems.  And a rubber band ball.

Searching the attic, Alex finds a very old, mysterious book.  Examining it, they find that it appears to be a personal journal from Strahd von Zarovich himself!(see handout), the Tome of Strahd.

Brand casts identify on the book from the library(see handouts),  and as he is doing so a sulphurous mist wafts from it and he senses great evil.  He can't comprehend much, but it appears to contain instructions for evil rituals.  

Having obtained the Tome of Strahd and fulfilling the first part of Madam Eva's reading, Brand is overwhelmed with a renewed determination to make Madam Eva proud and finish the Tarokka reading.

Will the party go try to kill Fiona, find the powerful wizard north of the lake, go find why wine deliveries are delayed from the Wizard of Wines Winery, journey to the ruins of the knightly order, search for a werewolf den from Torak and Alex's dreams, or something else?  Will Brand try to complete more of the Tarokka reading?

10:45pm Marpenoth 30

Marpenoth 30 9:30pm The Burgomaster’s Mansion

Slim Jim’s, Meerkats, Buffets, Golf Carts(or Cars?), and Balls…

The party explores about the main level a bit.  Neumann notices that the paintings in the main hallway depict past Burgomaster’s, some wearing the mastiff, gold signet ring.  They get bored and head upstairs.  

Reaching the top of the stairs a voice calls out, “Who is interrupting the work of my master?”  Entering the hallway, Brand recognizes the famous, iconic Paladin Pardeaux d’Castiglione, Champion of Faerun, but he has been corrupted and turned into an evil vampire spawn.  (a little part of Brand’s soul is crushed).  Brand runs to Pardeux like a little baby to it’s mother, but the cold abomination regards him w/ utter disdain – as a horse ignores a fly on it’s bottom.  

Then another voice is heard – a voice without the intelligence of the much more handsome Pardeaux.  It is Thorn the barbarian, who takes offense at something and yells, “and now you…. DIE!!!”  

The party are not surprised, so first to act is Ismark, but he is confused, so Alex goes first, casting sacred flame on Pardeux – missing!  Then Alex summons a spiritual weapon – a moon shaped mace, which also misses.  Brand calls to Pardeaux that he is going to have to attack him if he insists on attacking the party.  Pardeaux bares his fangs as if to say, “Bring it”.  His first attack misses, but he smites him with his second attack!  Honeysuckle hits Pardeaux with both attacks, although his flesh is unnaturally tough.  Neumann causes a dark crown of shadow to form around Thorn’s head – it causes him to attack his ally, Pardeaux!  Kelyvyn lines up his bow and hits with one of two attacks.  Ireena begins playing an inspiring song on her lute and offers encouraging words to Brand.  Daeren hucks a dagger at the barbaric vampire, Thorn’s, face, burying it into his forehead.  Thorn pulls the dagger slowly from his head, licks the dagger, blows a kiss to Daeren, and tosses it to the floor.  Torak scorches Pardeaux w/ a guiding bolt of radiant damage and shrouds the evil, but strikingly handsome, vampire mystical dim, glittering light.  Brand calls to Pardeaux to surrender, “We will find a way to bring you back”, but Pardeaux replies, “I don’t want to come back!  I love being immortal and stronger than ever!  I love it!  Palading vs Paladin!  Battle of the holy warriors of holiness!!  Hahahaha!”  Disdaining the greatsword on his back, he smacks Brand with a claw, pulling him close to his fangs, trying to bite him, but Brand averts the bite.  Thorn, under the control of Neumann, pulls out his two greataxes, rages, and swings at his brother!  As he hits him, he cries, “I never like your hair!”  Pardeaux is shocked, “Brother!  Everything I have done for you?  I’ve made you who I am, er who you are…mwahahaha waaaa… Snap out of it!  What is wrong with you?  You were always so stupid!”  

Ismark grabs his heavy crossbow and fires at Thorn, hitting him!  Alex wills his spiritual weapon to strike at Thorn, but it misses, as does his sacred flame spell.  Brand misses with his first attack, drawing a taunt from Pardeaux, “You are a pathetic excuse for a paladin, relying on your, your, rest of your party to carry your weight, your worthless skinny weight!  Tshpit!  Missed me!!!  Maybe you should pray a little more.”  Honeysuckle hacks Thorn with a solid longsword attack!  Then follows with a blow to his shin with her shortsword.  Neumann continues to weave a crown of mystery and darkness on Thorn, but also hits with a ray of frost at Pardeux.  Kelvyn misses with his bow shot.  Ireena fires her hand crossbow, but misses.  Neumann hucks another dagger at Thorn.  He hits!  Torak guides a bolt of  radiant damage at Pardeaux, striking and dropping him!  Pardeaux cries out, “Noooo.  Our work will not be completed brother!  Snap out of if, you must finish our work for our masters!”  Brand is distraught!   Thorn seeks revenge his brother, attacking Honeysuckle, missing with both axes.  

Ismark shoots a crossbow and misses.  Alex swings and connects with his spiritual weapon.  Thorn cries out, “My brother!  I am nothing without him!  Perhaps the greatest Faerunian hero of any age!  Waaaah!”  Brand hits the savage looking vampire.  Honeysuckle hits with a critical.  Neumann misses with a ray of frost, after asking for some healing.  Kelvyn misses with his bow.  Ireena fires and misses w/ a hand crossbow.  Daeren does 20 damage with a pocket knife – whittling out a pound of Thorn’s flesh.  Torak hits w/ sacred flame.  Thorn jumps out the window, crying out, “Our work here is too important.  I must not fail.  We will finish this another day!”  Alex hits the fleeing vampire with his spiritual weapon hanging out the window.  Brand follows out the window landing beside Thorn and smiting him with holy radiance.  Thorn drops, calling out, “No, our work is too impor…t…”  

The heroes search a bit.  Alex heals Neumann a bit. They find a library and a room full of dolls that look like Ireena.  All of them have a tag that read, “Is no fun, is not Blinksy!”  Ismark sees the dolls and cries, “What is this?”  Ireena enters the room and is visibly shaken at seeing hundreds of dolls in her likeness.  She asks whose room is this?  Her eye twitches a bit uncontrollably.  

Ismark informs the group that Blinksy is a toymaker in Vallaki.  Brand enlists Daeren to inspect the lock mechanism on the chest in the room.  Brand appears a bit mentally traumatized by seeing then killing his mentors, Pardeaux and Brand.  They explore and find a room with shackles on the wall.  A young man’s bedroom is across the hall.

9:45pm Marpenoth 30

Marpenoth 30 9pm Hounds of Hell!

Daeren draws his weapons and prepares to attack.  The hell hounds attack and hit Daeren with vicious bite attacks!  Dan loses audio – jokes are made about his ability to roll dice and speak.  Kelvyn hits one of the hounds with a dread ambusher attack.  Alex is next invoke is beacon of hope.  Jokes about pants and how his mentors got him to take his pants off.  Daeren cleverly flanks a hound and hits with a vicious, well placed short sword.  Brand blesses himself, Kelvyn and Daeren and moves up.  Dave make a funny joke about Wook’s internet, AOL?, dialup?  Honeysuckle hits a hound with a magic missile.  Collin tactfully points out that that was her first successful attack in the campaign.  The hounds attack do a lot of damage to Kelvyn.  Wook makes a boy band joke about Torak and Ismark that Grant boos.  Noone laughs.  Kelvyn hits with his sword then invokes spirit animal “zephyr” to reposition(flee).  Torak selflessly(unlike Brand) casts bless on Honeysuckle, Alex and Neumann.  Neumann zaps a hound with a ray of frost.  Then twins it and kills a beast!  Ismark hits the other hound with his second attack.  Alex hits it with a sacred flame.   Daeren hits with a massive attack and kills the second hound.  Neumann and Brand move toward the grave.  Gary and Josh swap barbs about who loves dead bodies more.  Neumann finds a signet ring of gold embossed with the image of a mastiff.  Kelvyn and Brand peer into a window and broken door.  Mike makes a joke about the door being a jar.  Brand catches the stench of death.  Brand then uses divine sense and detects the presence of undead on the other side.  He kicks in the door and smites the undead on the other side with a single attack! Kelvyn moves inside.  Daeren moves inside, assesses the situation, then moves back outside.  Neumann moves inside and readies a spell.  On the Ghasts turn, another Ghast moves into the kitchen and Neumann blasts it.  It then grabs Neumann by the shirt and bites his neck!  Another Ghast attacks Brand.   Alex enters the kitchen.  Grant comments on the similarity between Neumann and a Ghoul. He sacred flames the ghoul.  Brand hits the ghast, but does not smite it.  Honeysuckle enters the mansion and closes on a ghast, hitting it!  Mike makes misses.  Old person discussions about hips and the dangers of gravity.  Ismark enters the house and attacks a ghast, killing it with his longsword.  Kelvyn switches to his bow and shoots at a ghast, hitting it with an uncanny knowledge as if it were a favored or familiar foe!  Daeren strongly considers dashing up the stairs on a daring solo adventure, but instead readies an action to attack something that comes through the nearby door.  (Notices flyers strewn about for a town “Festival of the Blazing Sun”. (see handout)  Neumann strongly considers dashing up the stairs for an incredibly solo adventure, but instead follows Neumann into the “workroom”.  A ghast hits Brand with a bite attack.  Alex cast sacred flame again, missing!  Brand attacks the ghast, missing on both attacks.  Honeysuckle strongly considers dashing up the stairs to experience a grand solo adventure, but instead readies an action to attack enemies coming through a door.  Torak sacred flames the ghast to no effect.  Torak bounds up the stairs blindly(in another multiverse).  Kelvyn hits the ghast engaged with Brand, dropping the vile creature.  Daeren sneaks behind the last(visible) undead foe and pierces it’s spine between C3 and C4, but doesn’t kill it.  He hits it again with his dagger.  Neumann enters the hallway, where many bundles of sticks and straw line the walls.  He casts a frosty ray at the last ghast, hitting it!  The ghast turns and tries to bite Daeren, but misses.  Alex cast sacred flame at the ghast, but it has no effect.  Brand misses.  Then Brand hits.  Honeysuckle casts firebolt.  It hits and fries the last ghast. 

The party begins exploring a bit…

9:30pm Marpenoth 30

Marenoth 30 8pm Resting in Vallaki

Waking from a rest that for some was anything but peaceful, Alex shares his dream that involved him being chased down and murdered by Torak, but as a werewolf!  Torak is later killed by other werewolves.  The party decides to go see his is hiding in the abandoned Blue Water Inn.  Exercising discretion, Kelvyn and Daeren are open the door and discover a disheveled old man and, amazingly, an animated skeleton!  The old man, garbed as a holy man or priest, clasps his holy symbol and yells at the intruders, “Back you fiends!”.  The skeleton calls, “I will not allow evil here” and steps toward them.  Daeren and Kelvyn convince the old man, Father Lucian Petrovich(see handout), that they are not enemies and to allow them to come in.  He urges them to do so quickly as vampire spawn and other enemies are seeking him.  Conversing w/ Father Lucian, they learn:

·       Father Lucian was the leader of the Church of St. Andral which was taken over by Fiona Wachter and renamed the Church of the Ruby Rod.  St. Andral(the skeleton) was somehow animated by the Fiona and whatever demon she is collaborating with after they stole the bones of St. Andral(remains) from the church(under the altar).  St. Andral was a brave knight of the Morning Lord who was killed trying to defeat Strahd.  The animated St. Andral has made the Inn where Father Lucian is hiding hallowed ground and afforded them protection against Fiona and her evil minions for now.

·       Fiona Wachter killed the former Burgomaster, Vargas Vallakovich, who was a horrible Burgomaster, perhaps insane, but not as malevolent as Fiona.  He was known for his ridiculous festivals, ostensibly held to boost the morale of the citizens.  Any who failed to attend and live by his saying of “All is Well” would be jailed and often beaten and tortured by his henchman, Izek Strazni(who Fiona killed and resurrected with the soul of her long dead husband Nikolai Wachter). 

·       Father Lucian says that Fiona serves not one devil, but two.  A long time ally of Strahd, now she has made some sort of deal w/ a creature from a realm beyond Barovia who has given her servants.  "I believe there is something even darker at work here; a plot that I have yet to uncover."

·       Father Lucian interprets the Torturer card information as likely to be found at the residence of the former Burgomaster.

Leaving the Blue Water Inn, with Father Lucian’s blessing, the group travels, with discretion, to the former burgomaster’s house, eluding a patrol of human and clockwork soldiers on the way.  The house appears abandoned; windows boarded up and signs of vegetables and refuse having been thrown at the place.  Daeran notices blood stains and signs that something was dragged down the alley on the side of the house.  Moving down the alley toward the back of the house, they encounter two hellish mastiffs who turn the fiery gaze toward them…

9pm Marpenoth 30

Marpenoth 30 10am The Gates of Vallaki

The party arrives at the gates of Vallaki.  Kelvyn picks up a discarded flyer announcing the “Wolf’s Head Jamboree” with the pronouncement that “All will be well”(see handout).  At the gates, the party learns that Fiona Wachter recently became the new Burgomaster(Mayor) of the town.  Also the Blue Water Inn has closed but the new Burgomaster has established a new Inn nearby.  So the party heads there.  They pass a stockyards.  The town appears fairly prosperous and active.  Arriving at the new Inn, nameless, but with a  sign of a crimson staff or wand above the door, several of the party enter to make arrangements for accommodations.  Kelvyn wants to investigate the closed Blue Water Inn down the street.  An engaging Raven above the door catches his attention.  She has a silver key in her beak.  Speaking with animals, she introduces herself as Danika, RETCON Muriel.  She says she is watching them to make sure they are truly enemies of Strahd.  She states she believes they are and gives him the key.  She says it is the key to the Blue Water Inn and that they may find an ally inside, but to not be seen going in.

Back at the new Inn, the dragonborn proprietors inform the party that the new burgomaster, Fiona Wachter, has clockwork watchmen helping the human town watch keep order in the city.  The former burgomaster, Vargas Vallakovich, made a big show about putting on ridiculous festivals to raise spirits of the citizens, but everyone hated them.  He disappeared, along with his wife and two children, almost two weeks ago and is presumed dead.  There are signs of violence around his mansion, which sits vacant.  The dragonborn asks the party to go Wizard of Wines winery to investigate why their delivery of wine has been delayed.

Just before sunset those on watch see dozens of townsfolk, some in red robes holding shallow bowls and ceremonial knives, are chanting and proceeding toward the west.  Some, many, act as if they do not really want to be there, but fear keeps them in line.  Some have thin scars on their wrists and arms.  At their head is a very well dressed elderly woman.  A flyer is tacked to the door of the Inn.  It reads, “Wine and food for all at the church of the Ruby Rod.  Burgomaster Fiona Wachter encourages you to Live the best life you can.  Each evening at sundown.”  Beside her is a mountain of a man wearing a half cloak that billows up briefly to reveal an enormous, grotesque clawed arm. 

Long rest completed, 8pm Marpenoth 30

Marpenoth 30 9am The road to Vallaki c.

As the wagon rockets forward, Ireena tries to position herself on the horses to grab Kelvyn, but stumbles off and falls, narrowly avoiding the wheels of the cart.  Brand lifts Honeysuckle to her feet and both dash with Kelvyn to catch up to the wagon.  On the way Brand grabs Ireena and tosses her back into the wagon.  Kelvyn and Brand are waylaid by scarecrows, petrified by fear and fall behind the wagon.  Alex slows the wagon and Neumann shoots electrical bolts at the scarecrows surrounding their fallen friends.  Ismark is the first to leap off the wagon to run to their aid.  Daeren follows and is soon joined by others.  The party prevails and assesses their wounds.  Onward to Vallaki.

It is approximately 9am, Marpenoth 30.

Marpenoth 29 2am The road to Vallaki

The party finishes off the bat swarms and to their relief their master, Strahd, does not appear.  They did lose the riding horse Bill, but the stout draft horses, Nelly and Fertado, while damaged, are in their prime and after healing are ready to go.  Neumann sees a silver lining and lops off one of Bill's haunches to add to their provisions.

Ireena seems confused and bit unnerved as to why Strahd called for the party to return someone name "Tatyana" to him.

Hours go by with only an occasional noise heard in the woods.  The fog does seem to recede a bit and the sun comes up increasing the ambient lighting only slightly.  But it's presence is reassuring and the party is in good spirits all things considered.  Torak and Ismark discuss theories about why they look like each other's doppleganger.   

Nearing the time when they would have thought they should be nearing their destination, the town of Vallaki, they are set upon by nightmarish creatures, Living Scarecrows!  Six of the creatures emerge and the party quickly decides to jump on the wagon and try to outrun them.  Brand bravely yells that he will hold them off and catch up.  Neumann improvises and chucks the limb of dead horse Bill at the draft horses in an effort to spook them into rapid motion away!  Combined w/ Alex's excellent wagon team handling ability, the team bolts forward like lightning from a greased pig's arse!  Ahead, Honeysuckle turns just in time to see a tornado of horse, cart and dirt overtaking her.  She is rolled over and disappears under the wagon!  Ismark clumsily tries to jump into the wagon and barely managing to keep a grip on the side of wagon thanks to the help of Daeren.

Kelvyn, standing safely out of the path of the charging horses, quickly assesses the situation and his next move.

Brand watches his mates bolt away on the wagon.

It is approximately 9am, Marpenoth 30.


Marpenoth 29 early evening Old Bonegrinder(windmill)

Before a planned rest the party goes to investigate the mysterious monoliths.  There, the see four ancient stones, moss covered each bears a crude carving of a city, each of which is associated with a different season.  The city of winter is shown covered with snow, the city of spring is arrayed in flowers, the city of summer has a sunburst overhead, and the city of autumn is covered with leaves.  They recall that ancient legends tell of the Four Cities, said to be the cities of paradise where the Morninglord, Mother Night, and the other ancient gods first dwelled.

A raven pecks at something atop the stone that depicts the city of autumn.  Investigating, they find the remains of a pastry and several children’s teeth.

They bury the teeth and pastry, say a prayer for the souls of the poor children, and return to the windmill for a mostly uneventful rest.  The halfling, Nobleflame, seems to sleep fitfully.

Waking just after midnight on Marpenoth 30, the party sets out for safe haven of Valakki.  Early on a mega-swarm of bats emerges from the forest, form into the familiar shape of Count Strahd von Zarovich whose booming voice issues this warning, “Remember your place, vermin!  Return Tatyana to me!”  The bats attack.  The battle rages…

It is around 2am on Marpenoth 30


Marpenoth 29 late afternoon Old Bonegrinder(windmill)

The party warily approaches the abandoned windmill amid a veritable blizzard.  The cold takes a toll on all, but especially the doughty halfling.  Approaching the door, a raven squawks a greeting(warning?) then flys up into the domed roof of the structure.  Ireena informs the party that in Barovia, ravens are known to be good luck.  Conversely, harming one will bring bad luck.

Entering the windmill, it appears recently, hastily abandoned.  The main floor is primarily an area for cooking.  It is filthy and cookware, supplies and dishes are strewn about, mostly broken.  Small human bones are found on the floor and some suspicious “flour” residue next to a broken flour barrel.  Another barrel has residue of a greenish black ichor.  A broken cabinet still holds several locks of human hair, but dozens of broken bottles lay about.

The party hears children’s laughter somewhere on one of the floors above them and go to investigate.

Going up a stone staircase, the second floor is mostly taken up by a large millstone connected to a wooden gear shaft that rises through the ceiling in the center of the room.  Otherwise the room is empty.

Climbing more stairs to the third level they find a bedroom with a single, filthy mattress on the floor and three broken crates on the floor.  Two children appear and reveal that they live here and that recently the “mean ladies” who kept them in cages left.  They say that their parents sold them to the ladies for dream pastries, which the mean ladies make and sell and that make their parent’s happy.  They children say that the ladies use children's bones to make the dream pastries.  The party discovers they are ghosts and seek to put their spirits to rest with a ritual of burial and purification.  It works, but not before Neumann adopts them with a letter of certification. 

Brand climbs into the attic level of the mill and finds a raven invested mess, but also a men’s wedding band of platinum inscribed with the words, “to my dear brother”.  Magic reveals that the ring has powerful protective magic for the wearer.  Daeren takes the ring.

Kelvyn spots a ring of four squat megaliths at the forest’s edge.  The snow may be letting up slightly.

It’s late afternoon on Marpenoth 29

Marpenoth 28 8pm Travel to Valakki

Brand collects more of Madam Eva’s implements of divination.  The party sets out and soon encounters an undead knight, who turns out to be an enemy of Strahd.  He tells them to go seek the leader of the former Order of the Silver Dragon at Argynvostholt to convince him to help them defeat Strahd

Ever climbing into the mountains, the party rests.  While resting three travelling Vistani enter the encampment and agree to guide the party to Valakki.  They leave to go find game.  They do not return. 

The party comes upon a crossroads to the castle and the west of Barovia.  There a carriage seemingly awaits/invites them to Castle Ravenloft.  The party declines the offer, but not before Neumann leaves a note in the wagon for the master of the castle.  The note says, "Strahd is a poo poo pants"

Just past the crossroads to the northwest, there are a similar set of gates to those the party passed through when first entering Barovia.

Shortly after passing the gates, the weather turns for the worse – a blizzard.  The party pushes the horses to try to reach an abandoned windmill.  The scene ends as the windmill comes into sight.

It’s around mid day on Marpenoth 29

Marpenoth 28 Noon - Tarrokka Reading

Approaching the Vistana camp, Brand and Daeren find a holy symbol of an unknown god on the wrist of a body in a single grave.  The tombstone read "hero of Oerth".

Ismark and Ireena tell them:

* The Vistana serve Strahd and are the only Barovians allow to come and go through the toxic mist that surrounds the land.  They have seen other heroes arrive and then disappear.  

* Only 1 in 10 Barovians have a soul.  And when the die, their souls are trapped in the mists.  It is impolite to talk about soulless Barovians in front of them.

* Wolves, dire wolves, and werewolves prowl the Svalich Woods, and hungry bats fill the skies at night.

* The fortified village of Krezk lies at the west end of the valley and is built around an old abbey. The village burgomaster is named Dmitri Krezkov.

* Wine is the lifeblood of Barovia—for some, it is the only reason to keep living. Barovian taverns get their wine from the Wizard of Wines winery near Krezk.

The party is welcomed into the Vistana share they food and wine with the party and share a story:

“A mighty wizard came to this land over a year ago. I remember him like it was yesterday. He stood exactly where you’re standing. A very charismatic man, he was. He thought he could rally the people of Barovia against the devil Strahd. He stirred them with thoughts of revolt and bore them to the castle en masse.

“When the vampire appeared, the wizard’s peasant army fled in terror. A few stood their ground and were never seen again.

“The wizard and the vampire cast spells at each other. Their battle flew from the courtyards of Ravenloft to a precipice overlooking the falls. I saw the battle with my own eyes. Thunder shook the mountainside, and great rocks tumbled down upon the wizard, yet by his magic he survived. Lightning from the heavens struck the wizard, and again he stood his ground. But when the devil Strahd fell upon him, the wizard’s magic couldn’t save him. I saw him thrown a thousand feet to his death. I climbed down to the river to search for the wizard’s body, to see if, you know, he had anything of value, but the River Ivlis had already spirited him away.”

The party has a long rest.   Neumann helps the storyteller draw a map of Barovia for them.  He tells another story:

The old storyteller spits wine into the fire.  The flames turn from orange to green.  The flames dance and sway a dark shape appears in the bonfires' core.  We come from an ancient land.  Our home is a land of kings.  Our enemies forced us from where we once were.  And now we wander the lost roads.  The figure takes the form of a man being knocked from his horse and a spear piercing his side.  One night a wounded soldier stumbled into our camp and collapsed.  We nursed his terrible injury and quenched his thirst w/ wine.  When we asked him who he was he would not say.  All he wanted was to return home.  We were deep in the land of his enemies.  So we took him as one of our own.  And followed him back to his land.  Towards his homeland.  His enemies haunted us and hunted him.  They said he was a prince, yet we did not give him up even when their assassins set upon us like wolves.  Deep in the bonfire you see the dark figure standing with a sword drawn fighting off a host of shadowy shapes.  This man of royal blood fought to protect us as we protected him.  We bore him to his home and he thanked us.  Stay as long as you wish, leave when you choose, and know that you will always be safe here.  The figure dancing in the fire vanishes; vanquishes its final foe and disperses in a cloud of smoke and embers.  A curse has befallen our most noble prince.  It has made him a tyrant.  We alone have the power to leave this place.  We've travelled far and wide to find heroes.  Madam Ava called you.  She saw your coming.  And now she waits.  He gestures to the larger tent on the shores of the lake. 

Entering the tent of Madam Eva, she first warmly embraces Brand and hints that she knew his parents.  She also indicates that his father had the rare(for a Vistani male) ability to read the Tarrokka cards.  She addresses each member of the party, naming each and demonstrating knowledge of their personalities, flaws and history.

She begins the card reading, first telling what each of the five cards will reveal:

1) This card tells of history. Knowledge of the ancient will help you better understand your enemy.

2) This card tells of a powerful force for good and protection, a holy symbol of great hope.

3) This is a card of power and strength. It tells of a weapon of vengeance: a sword of sunlight.

4) This card sheds light on one who will help you greatly in the battle against darkness.

5) Your enemy is a creature of darkness, whose powers are beyond mortality. This card will lead you to him!

The fist card dreawn is the 9 of Swords, the Torturer saying that it means, "There is a town where all is not well. There you will find a house of corruption, and within, a dark room full of still ghosts"

She draws the second card and places it down, but then a spectral form of a half elven woman appears, mouth opens and Strahds voice emerges from it, "Too long have you worked from the shadows against me witch!  Fate be shall be as I decree it.  The Vistani are no longer guests from my realm.

 The spectral hand holds an evil looking black dagger that glows red, which she thrusts into Madam Eva's back.

Eva cries, "What have you done?" and then falls dead. 

 It's 8pm

Marpenoth 28 Morning - Escape from Barovia(the village)

As the mob approaches, Brand and Neumann go to speak with the mob in hopes of pacifying them.  Others go behind the mansion to the stables to ready the horses to escape.  Brand and Neumann buy quite a bit a time between their oratory and creative spellcasting when Ismark improvises and sets his father's house ablaze.  In the chaos the party escapes the village!

The road to the Vistani encampment offers a trap and a creepy encounter w/ a figure on the gallows at the crossroad to Valakki and the Tser Pool.

Marpenoth 28 Twilight – The Burgomaster Gets Eaten!!!

As Strahd’s voice fades and the shouts of the mob intensify, a more pressing need is at hand:  The zombie horde has broken through the front doors! 

Alas the party are too late to save the Burgomaster, Kolyan Indirovich, father of Ireena and Ismark, but they defeat the zombies and quickly decide to escape town using the families horses and wagon.

Will the party make it out of town before the mob appears?  Will Brand, buoyed by the apparent affection of Ireena Kolyana, try to calm the crowd of frightened and angry citizens

We shall see!

Marpenoth 28 shortly before twilight - A devil's blind desire

People of Barovia – hear me speak as your lord and master.  My great work calls me away from claiming what is mine.  So listen well.  If the burgomaster's daughter Ireena is not brought to my castle in three days time I will unleash a suffering onto this village the likes of which you have never known..  THREE DAYS TO BRING ME THE GIRL.  Or my wrath shall fall upon you as fire and death!


Bartemeus Wigglesby, Librarian of Toccleswale, excerpts from Strange and Lovely: How, What, When, Where, Why?

"when is a cry for help anything but a compulsion for a hero?  Are there any heroes in the curs-ed land of Barovia?  Are there any who can remain long pure of heart?"

"Devils and "the devil, Strahd" working together?!  When will his mastery over the land and all it's creatures be enough?  Is there a limit to his plans for even more suffering and corruption?"

"the aid of these obviously capable champions is welcome, but they are strange: one radiates light, but the light of cold moon; one is but half a woman in stature, but with two women's strength; another would be more logically seen in the castle dungeons - in some mad scientist's laboratory; and other is my diminutive twin!  What devilry is this?!"

"the damsels beauty is unparalleled, one can almost understand Strahd's obsession..."


"if any had been close enough to the Count, they would have expired instantly at the mien of fury he exhibited when she was released from his mental grasp and taken from him.  The few hours left of their disgusting existence will not be pleasant."

"the folks of the town, already most oppressed among all the horribly oppressed in the land, awakened to a realization that their master's ire has been aroused to a level previously unknown.  "Who is this girl?  Where is she?  Let's go get her!  Who are these strangers provoking the "devil"?  Why must many suffer for one?"

"gathering in the town square, pitchfork and club-wielding shadows cast from dozens of torches gain strength in their numbers, murmuring with fear and anger, and look toward the Burgomaster's mansion"


Marpenoth 27 The Summoning of the Party

The party is created this evening in a common inn in the town of Daggerford.  A modest beginning for a story of epic proportions?  We shall see. 

First to arrive at the location of destiny are the pair of “scientists” sitting at the bar.  Dirt under their fingernails and appearing uncomfortable in the busy tavern.  What could have brought them out of their laboratories?

Next a trio of unlikely companions take a place at the opposite end of the establishment.  A halfling of remarkable muscle density, a weather worn ranger from the north and an acolyte of the moon goddess.  What stories will they weave?

Next, at about the same time but from opposite sides(will we find them on opposite sides of any tricky moral questions?) enter a Paladin of Lathander with the look of a nomad and another follower of Selune looking slightly uncomfortable in his new looking armor.

Fate, destiny, or the strings of an unseen benevolent or diabolical puppet master bring them together and hurl them into the shadow realm to attempt to unseat a god.  They cannot escape a feeling that they are not the first to attempt such a task.  But can they succeed where others have failed?  Can they even overcome their own personal, divergent goals and desires and come together as they must to have any chance to succeed? 

Sharpen your quills class, sit upright, and I, Bartemeus Wigglesby, Librarian of Toccleswale, will tell you a tale of heroism and tragedy!

Chapter 1 (excerpts)

           “The party questions the ability(and sanity) of the strange(creepy) looking lab assistant, Neumann Knockwurst as he swears he is following a gold raven that none of them can see…”

           “…hands reach out from the mist and whispers of dark secrets are uttered.”

           “The man turns and gazes at the party with a combination of scorn and amusement, but also boredom…”

           “…the corpse comes “alive” and it’s severed arm begins to crawl toward the creatures of breath and blood!”

           “Mary’s face was chiseled with pain and grief that only a mother can know – her wail like that of the wind blowing through a cemetery.” 

           “the Vistani innkeepers bright apparel and personality only added greater contrast the “dead” look and demeanor of her barkeep”

           “the maiden’s cry of terror felt like the tiniest shell about to be washed to sea by the power of the wave of Strahd’s commanding tenor”